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GC Foundation Administrators receive TACCF appointments

Grayson College Foundation Executive Director Randy Truxal was reelected to the Texas
Association of Community College Foundations Executive Committee as the Treasure and
Foundation Director of Development Kathy Hendrick was elected as a TACCF at large board
member recently. TACCF is a professional association consisting of executive directors and
fundraising professionals employed within Texas community colleges, districts and foundations.

“I was honored to be chosen and elected among this group of fundraising professionals and
CFRE's,” Hendricks said. “They are a dynamic group of individuals who have varied
backgrounds of non-profit management.”

Truxal was elected when the former Treasurer declined reelection, and he was asked to consider
the position as someone who had the expertise to create a budget, financial statements and look
for a way to improve TACCF's investments.

“I was honored to be elected and asked to continue to help the newly elected office understand
the organizations financials,” Truxal said. “I would like to get the TACCF investments into a
platform that will allow them to grow, so we can offer more scholarships to Texas community
colleges that support training and attendance at the annual meeting.”

Hendrick joined the TACCF three years ago and found herself engaged in committee work.

“By serving, you learn about an organization and you get to know the people,” Hendrick said. “I
have learned so much by networking with my counterparts. I bring these ideas back to our
campus to integrate them into our plan. One example of this is the Designer Bag Bingo event we
will be having April 25.  I borrowed this idea from a peer institution and hope to have the same
success they have had.”

Hendrick was elected for a two-year term for 2019 through 2020.

“My goal is to keep this trend moving forward and upward,” Hendrick said. “The board has
already established lofty goals. My efforts will be to serve as a catalyst to assist in reaching these
goals and set new ones for this association.”  

Truxal’s term will be from 2018 through 2020.

TACCF has a great group of professionals state-wide and we learn and help each other with
projects, process and events,” Truxal said.